Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Birth of Crunk'D!

Date: October 2005

One Vision. One Dream. Twelve Dancers.

Under the direction of our Master Choreographer, 12 troops had been selected and prepared for our moment of glory at the Peninsula Crew Challenge. We would gather on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis at base camp, the Dance Studio, to discuss strategy and movement. It was there, that the inspiration came for the name of the group, Crunk’D! There are 2 meanings to this word: “crazy and drunk”, and “to cry like a crane”. How appropriate!!! :p

No one could anticipate the journey we were about to embark on, which began all the way back in June. The experience of Crunk’D was one that will be very hard to forget. During the winter holidays, much of it was spent in the Studio conditioning our bodies for what would be a grueling 3 months of dancing/training on top of Flare Production commitments. The countless hours of dance, which was matched by the amount of time we spent eating after-practice, the pain, the fatigue and the injuries. My 4 nights of dancing was also complemented by 2 or 3 nights of karate. This ultimately led to a deterioration of my knees, shins, ankles and feet, much of which I can still feel now.

BUT all the pain and sacrifices made throughout that period was justly rewarded. No, we did not win, nor did we come second or third. We actually placed 5th in fact, out of 16 crews. This was a result that everyone was extremely proud of, given it being our first major dance competition we’ve entered. The reason why I felt on top of the world after our performance was based on the journey, rather than result. Twelve individuals (who had brought their own unique characteristics and dance backgrounds) had jelled to become such a tight unit, that we had become each other’s ‘family’ and support group. On stage, we were dynamic, energetic and in sync. As we approached the final turn of the journey, and hearing the last few beats of the song - the adrenalin rush, the feeling of accomplishment and the relief that it’ll all be over soon – I will always remember the huge roar of the crowd as we stood there in our ‘victory’ pose (choreographer’s idea :p). It was a moment of intrinsic satisfaction, something that whatever place we came, can never take away. Thanks guys for making it such an awesome experience!

Crunk'D Boyz
Crunk'D Crew


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