Monday, August 28, 2006

The Art of Change

In Lewin’s model of change, there are 3 phases that one goes through: un-freezing, transitioning and re-freezing.

A basic tendency of people is to seek a context in which they have relative safety and feel a sense of control. However, there always comes a time when a person is required to ‘unfreeze’ from their comfort zone.

This journey of change is never simple and the person may need to go through several stages of misunderstanding before they get to the other side. Transitioning requires time and is usually difficult for the individual. The hardest part is to start; even when a person is unfrozen and ready for change.

At the end of the journey, the final goal is to 'refreeze' by establishing calm and stability.

Having said all this, 2006 has been my biggest year of change so far...a change in lifestyle (the start of work), a change in social group (with people coming and going), a change in motivations (or the lack of), and a change in interests. Despite each being quite distinct, they are all inter-connected.

It has taken me so long to ‘unfreeze’, as I have been holding onto the past, something which has provided me with so much joy over the years. Being in denial that things do not need to change only makes the journey tougher and longer. Change is not an easy thing, change often instils fear in the best of us.

I have spent many hours thinking of why I feel particular ways towards certain people, things and situations. And I can attribute them all to CHANGE. I think I’ve reached the transitioning stage of change relating to the things mentioned above. This journey has definitely not been easy, and trying to find stable ground is not yet within sight. I still encounter misunderstandings within myself, volatility in moods, and the prospect that many aspects of my life are still uncertain. Many of you thought that my post on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 “So many things remain unexplained...” was a very random post. However, after reading this, I hope you’ve gained insight as to why I might have written that four months ago.

I know that a lot of you are undergoing your own form of change, whether it be transitioning from uni to work, moving from Melbourne to home, or undertaking new responsibilities. But you must remember that it is perfectly normal to feel the way that you do – lost, upset, de-motivated, uncertain, scared or even angry – as these are the result of CHANGE. So, the best plan of attack that I keep reminding myself is, to embrace it and to enjoy every single moment of the journey.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

May-July...the missing pieces

It's been a long time since I last blogged, and some are expecting something big. Sorry to disappoint...

To summarise the last 3 months in a nutshell:
May: spent the entire month travelling to Newcastle, Townsville and Darwin, while also flying home every weekend to see my loved ones. This might sound glamorous to some, but when you're staying in cheap 3-star MOTELS (with ants as roommates), waking up at the crack of dawn (someone in particular refers to a 6am wakeup as 'against the law'), and working ridiculous hours into the night, you might re-consider why you signed up for this in the first place. The only highlight from this month-long period of 'torture', was our ride in a tank....What an experience!!!

June: spent my hard-earned money to watch a "world-renowned" group of dancers at BREAK!. What a disappointment. Imagine how much food we could have eaten with that 40 bucks? I've seen better breakers at local dance competitions and parties. June remains a blur to me, as it went by so quickly. Being back in Melbourne, I was able to return into the routine of what my life was before I went away for a month: dancing and eating :p

July: a colleague of mine recently reminded me of a road trip that we were hoping to plan for all the new starters this year. However, during July this is where I've been for work: Dandenong, Altona, Derrimut, Broadmeadows, Mt Waverley, Ballarat, and Traralgon Gippsland. For those that don't know where these places are...this has pretty much taken me North, South, East and West of the city. Hence, my own little road trip around Victoria. One of the most memorable events of this month, was my work's Annual Ball at the Palladium in Crown. The decoration, theme, and surprisingly food, was first coming soon.

I'm sure I've forgotten many events that have occurred during those months, but that pretty much sums up the things that have consumed most of my time.

More posts to come...