Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Unforgettable Quotes

I know we can create a book with these...but here is a list of what I remember. I'm sure most of you will know who said what.

1. You drink water, like water.....(the most famous quote)
2. Hey, how many toes does a human foot have?
3. You know, they can smoke salmon, so they can also smoke maltesers.
4. I can retire soon, cos I rely on other people....I suck them dry!
5. You (sister) can do him, and then he can do her.
6. I haven't had a haircut since the last time I cut my hair.
7. I'm making lamb tonight...OINK!
8. A sleeping bag without a bag is just a SLEEPING..
9. I'm a nerd by day, dancer by evening, philosopher by night, and nutcase all the time
And the associated controversy:
kel: Guess who??
jojo: most prob gracey =)
jumbo:cannot be...must be someone more nut...i wonder WHO...donut.
gracey: ahem jo. pot calling kettle black. tsktsk. =P
gracey: why would i call myself a nutcase??? uh huh..who me, yes you, couldnt be, then who?
jel: *bimbotic huh???*
jojo: nutters stick together. in this crazy world.
shar: stuck together by peanutbutter
10. Context: Shar has just said that she might get a Honda Jazz soon, and Am said, "I wanna be different, and get a RAV4." Then this particular person says, "oh yar, it's more expensive cuz it's 4 wheel...." :s (No prizes for guessing who said this)
11. Girl to guy: I wanna head you
12. This drink tastes like Ribena with spunk in it.

And to sum it all up, she came up with this gem:
"I'm NOT stupid, I'm just not too smart!"

That's all folks :p