Tuesday, January 31, 2006


- Everything happens for a reason!
- What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!

I hope these are true......

(haha...my shortest post ever!!!)


  • They are true. I've had experiences to prove them.

    By Blogger Babee, at 9:29 PM  

  • Please enlighten me one day. Maybe I'll be able to see the light too :p

    By Blogger Kelvin, at 9:33 PM  

  • Yes. Both are true. Very.

    Everyday you go on to learn something new. Whether it is about something, someone else, or about yourself. It is always new and different, even though it may not seem that way. So with each experience and each lesson learnt you do become stronger. And you can only learn these things from the things from experience.

    We are all human beings and we are all built with a thing called curiosity. If you watch Lost, you know the episode that just aired last week about curiosity. It's what kills us all.. and yet it makes us stronger. Because even if someone tells us not to do something, or gives us advice, we don't listen because we must do it ourselves....... But when we actually go ahead and learn from the experience, the lesson is imprinted in you more so than a person would have if they had told you a thousand gazillion times. Right?

    However, let's say things don't actually happen for a reason. We live everyday and we make mistakes and bad things just happen. Boowoowoo. Nevertheless, I choose to believe that things DO happen for a reason because this is the way I do not regret anything in life. Because when I look back to all the stupid things I have done, like the really really REALLY stupid things, even after being warned by it from millions of people, I still do not regret any of it happening. Why? Because to me, everything happens for a reason and I treasure them. Life lessons don't come by very often and it's what makes me somewhat a better person.

    Well.. let's hope so.

    So look beyond Kelvin. There's always a good in every bad. There's always a sunny day in winter. There's always someone smiling when no one else is. And I bet we all wish you are feeling better :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:07 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:43 AM  

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